PageCarton is an innovative world-class tool to structure, build and manage great web sites and apps. 

Straight out-of-the-box, PageCarton has been adjudged to be more secure, faster and easier to use than most of the big names in the industry.  PageCarton also offers more features that makes it a must-have for everyone that takes ease-of-use and security seriously. This is based on feedback we have received by users who dumped other popular tools for PageCarton.

PageCarton hopes to make a statement that websites could be designed by default to curb all the security challenges that plagues the cyberspace. Web sites and apps could co-exist in a box thats easy to use and visually appealing. 

Everyone should be able to create a website by themselves. No matter their level or their level of technical knowledge, so PageCarton is constantly evolving into a tool that more people will use it comfortably with little or no help. In today's world, ideas need to find their way across the world and the web is a good way to make this seamless. When people could express themselves with a well presented creative web, ideas will find more expression and our world would be a better place.

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